2 November 2006 We got a cover girl!
16 October 2006 FL Charms is featured in the latest newsletter from NPPL. Have a look at what they have to say!
12 October 2006 A lot is happening with FLC right now. Two new girls have signed up for the team - Solrunn and Helen. We have had our eyes on these girls for some time now and they have proved to be as good as we thought. Next week eight of us are heading for sunny California and the last event of the NPPL. Do I need to say we are looking forward to play?? It's getting a bit too chilly in Scandinavia so we are of courese taking some well earned vacation as well. :-)
14 August 2006 Sebban, the founder of MASH
Paintball Arena and lucky Louise's great catch, also brought his camera
to Paris this summer. Enjoy his pictures here!
9 August 2006
Time flies - but we haven't forgotten what we promised last week! Our
good friend Erik Chateau was also at the Paris event - and here are the
pictures he sent us! Look in the the gallery section
- as usual :) |
3 August 2006 We have some goodies waiting for you guys, and here's the first of many!
Jean from http://photoball.free.fr
has sent us some pictures from the 7 Man World Cup at Euro Disney in Paris.
See the action shots in the the gallery section!
18 July 2006 The event report from Paris is now ready for you. Just
click here. Next event for us are this weekend (22 July). It's part of the Northern European Series (NES). We haven't played that many Scandinavian events yet this year so we really looking forward to this one. =)
14 July 2006 We took Third place at the Millennium event in Paris. :-) Congrats to all the Scandinavian teams that made it to the podium this event; Joy, Menace, DowBdx, Pretorians.
20 June 2006 The vicious circle was broken in Madrid! After lousy results in Marseille and Bitburg we finally made it to the Sunday club. Read more about it.
14 June 2006 FINALLY - It's about time we gave you guys some news, don't
cha think? Well, we have got some fresh new pics, you don't wanna miss
out on these! (Especially not the last few from Marseille - they're hilarious!!!)
15 April 2006 No more porn, no more annoying ads, simply pure chit-chat
- The girls have a new forum and are dying to talk to you!
13 April 2006 Show your support to your favorite team - Buy the FLC bumbersticker!
9 April 2006 Practise in Oslo Ever wondered how it's like to practise in Scandinavia this time of year? All you need is a fotball field (they're the only fields without snow), 20 strong guys to build up a netting, a heated tent, a strong will to put up with the snowy weather, the ponds on the field and an ice cold gun. Other than that, it's just pure paintball joy! Have a look at Charms
first outdoor practise for the season - together with Menace and Get lost.
4 April 2006 Two new articles have been added to the media
28 March 2006 FL Charms proudly presents the companies supporting us for the upcoming
2 February 2006
26 January 2006 It's time to change your old wallpaper! Here's a brand new one. New year = new style. No more Miss Nice Girl
14 January 2006 Pretty in pink?? O well...these beanies will protect the ears of the Charms girls during the rest of the cold Scandinavian winter...brrr...we all dream of playing paintball outdoors again....only four month to go...